Poetry in bookmarks
The Maltese Poets Association has launched yet another successful project. 19 poets, all members of the MPA have participated in this project. Their poems, all in English, have been chosen to be published in bookmark format. The bookmarks are being distributed in hotels and other places frequented by tourists here in Malta. The aim is to give foreigners a taste of contemporary Maltese poetry. The selected poems all vary in theme and style. The poets taking part in the project are Dr. Karmenu Mallia, Salv Sammut, Mario Attard, Emmanuel Attard Cassar, Therese Pace, Margaret Attard Baldacchino, Lino Grech, Dr. Joe Zammit Tabona, Alfred Palma, Alfred Massa, Patrick Sammut, Miriam Camilleri, Raymond Grech, Omar Seguna, Charles Magro, Jane Micallef, Godwin Cini, Mary Doris Chircop and Jonathan Balzan. The project was sponsored by the Bank of Valletta.
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L-Għaqda Poeti Maltin għadha kemm nidiet proġett poetiku ġdid. Dsatax-il poeta, kollha membri tal-Għaqda, ippubblikaw poeżija bl-Ingliż kull wieħed f’forma ta’ bookmark bil-għan li dawn jitqassmu f’lukandi biex it-turisti jkollhom idea tal-poeżija kontemporanja lokali. Is-suġġetti u l-istili huma varji. Il-poeti li ħadu sehem f’dan il-proġett huma, Dr. Karmenu Mallia, Salv Sammut, Mario Attard, Emmanuel Attard Cassar, Therese Pace, Margaret Attard Baldacchino, Lino Grech, Dr. Joe Zammit Tabona, Alfred Palma, Alfred Massa, Patrick Sammut, Miriam Camilleri, Raymond Grech, Omar Seguna, Charles Magro, Jane Micallef, Godwin Cini, Mary Doris Chircop u Jonathan Balzan. Il-proġett kien sponsorjat mill-Bank of Valletta.
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