Friday, October 24, 2008

A poet from Romania - Study and interview

The poetry of Nadia-Cella Pop
(After reading poems in English and Italian in The Lordship of the Word)

Language, poetic mechanisms and other interesting aspects:

Reading the poetry of Nadia-Cella Pop is quite an experience. Hers is a very powerful imagery and at the same time beautiful and lyrical. Pop’s poetry is also a game on words which when read forces the reader to exclaim, “How beautiful!” Hers is a language which goes directly to the heart. All is presented in an aura of mystery. The poet is well-tied to the present but her fantasy travels back and forth in time with great ease, as with much ease she creates very effective imagery. She also travels between two different temporal points in time which mark the limits of Pop’s fantasy: at one extreme, “a world of ruins” (the extreme point of corruption), and on the other extreme, a world where “rule the butterflies” (a world of innocence, untouched). Hers is a voice in a way tied to the present, but in other ways it surpasses the limits of time. Pop’s stature at times reaches dimensions that surpass “all the worlds we know”.
In writing her poetry Nadia-Cella Pop makes use of different lexical registers such as nature, music, colours, emotions and the Bible (the crucifix is a recurring image).
Reading the poetry of Nadia-Cella Pop is also a voyage from childhood to old age, with all that is experienced in between.


Nadia-Cella Pop sings about love, peace and harmony through her word. In The Afternoon Tea she invites humankind to unite. Harmony is the key word, and all this in a simple but very fluent language. Harmony is also the thing common to both life and music. Human love later on transforms itself into a pantheistic love where the “I” unites “with the world of worlds for eternity”.
The poet invites the reader to reflect on huge (the macrocosm) and small (the microcosm) things, on the good and the evil, on the strong and the weak, on the conquerors and the vulnerable. Pop writes about the worlds both within (memory and emotions) and without (creation and nature), the told and the untold. Nature is seen as an open book from where the poet learns, reflects and expresses what people in general have no time to say.
Little gestures or things, like having a cup of coffee in the morning or a flower, inspire Pop to write about universal experiences, thus those lived by man and woman not only in Romania, but everywhere. In this way Pop manages to change gestures into words and words into poetry. Like the mime, the poet does not speak but makes us see what “we want to forget about ourselves”. Pop also helps us move always nearer to the “deciphering of the total”. And this can only happen through “pure thought and a virgin soul”.
And this makes us feel that her poetry is also an invitation to “remain forever children”, and to continue to feel the need for fables and adventure.
Pop also writes about the tiredness of the body and the grandeur of the spirit. However, part of this grandeur belongs also to poetry.


1. Why does the poet feel the need to publish his poetry in different languages and in different publications, local and foreign?

For all I know, the poet turns the usual words into artistic expressions, by giving them value and exquisite harmonies, offers a unique profoundness for feelings and visions with an endless horizon.
His/her thrills and imagination, illustrated by a multifarious gamut of imagery can reach to the readers’ souls, only if the lines are arranged on the “stave” of readers’ language.
And if the translations preserve the message and musicality of the lines, the triumph of emotional communication is guaranteed.

2. How important is it for you to have contacts with other poets, even foreign ones?

My contact with foreign poets is something of great value because of the exchange of literary ideas and realization about other creators’ opinions about personal and general struggles, in an era which is “strangled” by plenty of information and “the race of know-how, using only the most exact news” or by cold pragmatism.
Today, the poets are very anodyne or very rare, it’s all about the lyrical consumers’ pretensions, their desire to get thrilled by poetry readings, about how they can identify themselves with poet’s mood or to be mobilized to choose their life principles.

3. What do you consider most important: poetry for art’s sake, or poetry with a message?

Poetry must have a message, must be suggestive, bearing a huge area of human situations and “voices” of nature, all connected with feelings and with involvement of the divinities in the human “environment”.
All these quests must wear artistic forms, otherwise they remain in the zone of insignificant and mundane language. The art and social life must stay together.
I think the main sense of the word in a poem needs to be thoroughgoing, but not hidden, because in that case it disturbs the real sense of the message. The musical suggestion of the poetic speech leads towards essences and unknown inner vibrations.

4. What are the themes you write about in your poetry?

The themes of my poetry are provided and directed by my contemplative and philosophical structure within, of what I personally feel about events and moods. They were enriched by other people’s experiences and my vast cultural background. So, my books contain erotic poems, patriotic poems, poems with a mystic sense, where the intensity of feelings rules, poems of existence. I always respect the words’ aesthetics. I’m tracking a coherent base thinking about all types of readers, to let them taste the originality of my lyricism.

5. At what time and in what environment do you usually write poetry?

Poetry is about to be settled on the blank paper when the inspiration takes the poet’s soul by storm, when the anxiety turns into artistic expression of wisdom. And then, all the things around vanish and the space is haunted by inner voices, emotions and feelings that become marks and senses, links of the same chain in poems. The confessions and abstract thoughts of the poet need silence, that is created by areas in the dark or peaceful nature’s charm in the daylight. Of course, this is my personal opinion…

6. How do you react to people saying that the poet is only a dreamer?

I can’t be angry when someone says the poet is only a dreamer. In part it is true. The dream’s paths leads us to realms beyond our possibilities, at least as an idea, and the excessive sensitivity might raise imagery and visions of a rare beauty. But the poet could be a militant for justice and truth, a fighter of mankind’s treasures. The dreamer is romantic, passionate, picturesque, a thinker of profoundness. The dreamer’s flights are powered by imagination.

7. Your poem “The Afternoon Tea” made these questions come into my mind: what do poets and politicians have in common? How do they differ?

My poem “The Afternoon Tea” has the romantic purpose to gather together all mankind and a possible contact with the possible worlds in the outer space, due to the friendly inner rhythm of our global harmony.
I don’t think the poets and the politicians have something in common, they just live under the same sun, that’s all. While the politicians think and act for the benefit of their own clique of interests, using often “the trumpet of democracy” for many of their selfish actions, the poets unveil a world of questions, hyperboles, senses, touching suggestions, without reaching the border of theories, rules, percepts and laws. The poet remains to rule the world of metaphors.

8. The poet is someone who lives with his feet well rooted to the ground but also somebody who looks at mankind and the world from high above. What does Nadia-Cella think about this?

The poet should be a “symbiosis” between a person who lives on Earth, our beautiful planet, and another person who can climb the peaks of aspirations, imagination, majestic ideals that are waiting to be discovered and given, out of the personal retort, to the sensitivity and understanding of all the people. But, all without any seclusion or vanity from the poet.
The new reality, which the poet created this way, will be artistic and positive.

9. What does poetry have to do with love, nature and discovery, according to Nadia-Cella?

Love, that moves all the beauties of human soul, nature, that brings us harmony, protection, dangers, the discovery of all phenomena, events and quivers that give emotions to human beings, all mean the ideas which are directed by the muses to poets (bards), the real parents of life’s anthems.

10. Reading the poem “A Cry” in “a world of ruins” can poets be considered as the ruling “butterflies”?

In the poem “A Cry” I did not think of poets like “ruling butterflies”. But, after a possible apocalypse, some fragile life forms, as the butterflies might survive. So, there is hope, even little, in the splendour of a new beginning. One with gentle forms and multiple colors, charming…

11. Describe Nadia-Cella Pop as a person. Describe the city you live in, Brasov. Does Romania inspire you to write poetry? How?

Honestly, I wish to be described by others as a person, maybe by people who know me since a long time. I’d like to be considered as a sociable person, the one with the sense of honour, sympathetic, a woman with principles, joyous and full of compassion for the unlucky or unhappy ones. I hope that people around me appreciate my tact, wisdom, kindness or courage, even if I respond impulsively to impudence, lies, meanness, offensive behaviour or treason. I try to increase the good things inside me, despite other things.
Brasov, a former fortified city in Transylvania, located in Tara Barsei, is an old settlement, presented in documents since 1235; it has been settled by isolate communities since prehistoric ages. ARIUSD, my birthplace, a small village located some kilometers north from Brasov, is famous because of its neolithic settlement, so-called “Ariusd-Culture” (exquisite painted pottery). This is a reason for pride for me.
Of course, the ancient inhabitants of the city, the Dacians and the Daco-Romans lived and rode on the paths of history in the defense and development of this city. There were craftsmen, traders, artists, even artists and scholars.
Located at the foot of Mount Tampa, Brasov has beautiful landscapes of wilderness, which the tourists and locals like much. The areas of natural charm are in the neighbourhood of monuments, historical sites, cultural institutions and churches. The scientists and researchers find Brasov as a rich source and the people who like the arts and beauty think the same.
As many other creators (using words, notes, painting brush or carver’s chisel), I’m nourished by the inspiring springs offered by my country: history, places in the wild, other people’s experiences, the interferences of my own feelings. Any human involvement is a condition for a vast gamut of ideas and emotions, which I want to use as best I can, in my poems.

Thanks Nadia-Cella Pop :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Joe Axiaq - Poeta Malti mill-Awstralja

Intervista: Patrick J Sammut ikellem lil Joe Axiaq

Joe Axiaq twieled iz-Zebbug Ghawdex u emigra lejn l-Awstralja fl-1974. Ta’ 21 sena fil-bidu tal-qawmien multikulturali fl-Awstralja nghaqad ma’ l-ewwel grupp ta’ xandara fuq Radio 3ZZ fil-bidu tax-xandir tal-programmi Maltin fl-Awstralja, waqt li beda x-xoghol fl-amministrazzjoni manigerjali tieghu ma’ Telecom Australia u kompla bl-istudju u t-tahrig fl-amministrazzjoni, fil-gurnalizmu u fix-xandir. Kien involut fit-twaqqif ta’ l-ewwel grupp li kien jigbor fih iz-zghazagh Maltin f’Victoria, ghal attivitajiet rikreattivi u kulturali. Fl-1979 kien involut fit-twaqqif tal-Maltese Literature Group fl-Awstralja. Joe beda jikteb ta’ eta` zghira ghall-programmi tat-tfal fuq ir-Rediffusion. Huwa kompla bix-xoghol tar-radju fuq Radio 3EA, illum SBS Radio, bhala gurnalista, xandar, producer u traduttur. Illum huwa n-National Executive Producer tal-Programmi Maltin kollha li jixxandru fuq l-SBS minn Melbourne u Sydney kuljum. Ghar-radju kiteb ghadd kbir ta’ novelli, stejjer, radjudrammi, features u dokumentarji. Ix-xoghlijiet letterarji tieghu jinstabu f’ghadd ta’ antologiji Maltin, rivisti u gazzetti ppubblikati Malta u l-Awstralja..

Huwa mizzewweg lil Elizabeth, Awstraljana ta’ nisel Malti u ghandu zewgt itfal, Catherine u Bernadette.

1.X'inhi r-relazzjoni ta' Joe Axiaq u l-Awstralja llum? Xi tfisser Malta ghal min jinsab fil-pozizzjoni tieghek?

Twelidt u trabbejt f’ambjent tipiku Għawdxi fir-rahal taz-Zebbug li sas-snin sebghin tas-seklu l-iehor kienu ghadu kif hallewh missirijietna u nannieta tal-qedem, f’razzett li min-naha wahda tara l-bahar u l-bajjiet sbieh tax-Xwejni u Marsalfron u fuq in-naha l-oħra l-widien u l-ghelieqi jhaddru taht l-gholjiet tad-Dabrani u Ta’ Kuljut. X’kuntrast mal-belt ta’ Melbourne bil-hwienet, restoranti u n-negozju u l-kummerc ta’ kuljum, fejn ilni nahdem għal dawn l-ahhar tletin sena u s-subborgi ta’ l-istat vast ta’ Victoria bi triqat twal u wesghin li jihduk sa l-ibghad trufijiet li ma jwasslu ghall-imkien. Ghawdex li hallejt aktar minn tletin sena ilu huwa Ghawdex tal-kartolini:

Meta mix-Xwejni
titla’ t-telgha taz-Zebbug
minn fuq il-Ponta t’Ghajn Melel
thossok tistrieh
u ghajnejk taghlaq
f’genna ta’ l-art miflug.

(Minn Mix-Xwejni ghaz-Zebbug)

Midhla ta’ Malta u Ghawdex tal-lum bit-tibdil u l-progess li sar b’xi zjara kultant u nzomm ruhi aggornat bil-mezzi komdi tat-telekomunikazzjonijiet tal-lum u anki permezz tax-xoghol gurnalistiku tieghi, fuq il-programmi tar-Radju ta’ l-SBS li wiehed mill-ghanijiet huwa li jzommu lill-Maltin ta’ l-Awstralja aggornati b’dak li jkun ghaddej fil-gzejjer Maltin. Ghalija li ghext aktar min-nofs hajti barra minn Malta, f’pajjiz mimli rizorsi u opportunitajiet, aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien aktar naffaxxina ruhi dwar kif dan il-poplu fuq gzira zghira, mix-xejn gharaf johloq ghejxien ghal uliedu, generazzjoni wara l-ohra u llum huwa pajjiz sovran bi stil ta’ hajja ma’ l-aqwa fid-dinja. Malta ommi, l-Awstralja marti, illum facli tinfired mill-mara, imma m’ommok ma tinfired qatt.

2. F'liema attivitajiet jew ghaqdiet jew inizzjattivi inti impenjat fil-prezent?

Minhabba x-xoghol tieghi bhala National Executive Producer tal-programmi Maltin fuq ir-Radju ta’ l-SBS li jxandar programmi Maltin kuljum ghall-komunita Maltija ma’ l-Awstralja kollha, ma nista’ nkun impenjat direttament ma’ l-ebda ghaqda jew organizzazzjoni partikulari li ghandna hafna minnhom fil-komunita’ Maltija fl-Awstralja. U fl-istess hin b’xi mod jew iehor inzomm kuntatt kontinwu mal-ghaqdiet kollha permezz tal-informazzjoni li nghaddulhom fil-programmi taghna ghas-semmiegha taghna. Ahna qeghdin hemm ghal kulhadd biex nitkellmu u nahdmu id f’id ma’ dawn l-ghaqdiet u l-organizzazzjonijiet li jkollhom xi haga xi jwasslu lis-semmiegha tagħna. Is-sejha ta’ dawn l-ghaqdiet bhalissa hija li jridu z-zghazagh. Il-bicca l-kbira tal-mexxejja ta’ dawn l-ghaqdiet huma mdahhla fiz-zmien u m’hemmx min jiehu posthom.

3. Fil-belt fejn tghix, il-Maltin, u komunitajiet ohra, jiehdu interess fil-letteratura?

L-interess mill-Maltin fil-letteratura fl-Awstralja huwa limitat fis-sens li m’hemmx apprezzament bizzejjed ghal dik li hija letteratura propja. Ghal bicca l-kbira tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja, il-letteratura hija poezija li taqbel jew xi storja li tbikki jew iddahhak. Hemm socjetajiet ta’ qari u kitba letterarja Awstraljani li huma serji u li minnhom tista’ titghallem hafna. Imma bhala komunita` Maltija ghadna ‘l boghod hafna minn dan. Issib membri f’dawn is-socjetajiet Awstraljani, ulied it-tieni u t-tielet generazzjoni li tkun taf li huma ta’ nisel il-Maltin minn kunjomhom biss, ghax jiktbu biss bl-Ingliz u ma jzommux kuntatt mal-komunita` Maltija.

4. Min huma l-kittieba Maltin fl-Awstralja llum? Xtahseb dwarhom u x'qed jinkiteb minnhom?

Il-kittieba rilevanti Maltin fl-Awstralja huma ftit. Dawn huma kittieba li f’Malta diga` kienu bdew jippubblikaw u ghamlu certu isem. Dan in-numru ta’ kittieba qed dejjem jonqos minhabba l-eta` u ghalhekk dawk li fadal jinghaddu fuq l-idejn. F’dawn l-ahhar hamsa u ghoxrin sena jew aktar nistghu nghidu li ma kellniex minn dawn il-kittieba li emigraw minn Malta. Dawn il-kittieba dejjem komplew jiktbu, ghalkemm forsi mhux dejjem jippubblikaw. Matul iz-zmien kien hemm ghaqdiet jew gruppi Maltin, li kienu jhaddnu whud minn dawn il-kittieba. Illum hafna minn dawn il-kittieba jahdmu wahidhom fis-skiet. Tajjeb li jkollok ghaqdiet li jigbru u jlaqqghu lil dawk li jhobbu u ghandhom ghal qalbhom il-letteratura, minghajr ma jimtlew l-imhuh li ghax wiehed jidhol f’ghaqdiet bhal dawn isir kittieb jew poeta. In-numru zghir ta’ kittieba/poeti rilevanti, qeghdin johorgu kotba ta’ poeziji, rumanzi, u ricerka bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz li huwa inkoragganti hafna.

5. Xi tghid dwar il-programmi radjufonici u anki l-gurnali tal-Maltin fl-Awstralja?

Jien in-National Executive Producer tal-Programmi Maltin li jixxandru fuq ir-Radju ta’ l-SBS li jinghata fondi mill-Gvern Awstraljan biex ixandar nazzjonalment mal-Awstralja kollha programmi bi 68 lingwa fosthom bil-Malti. Ahna ghandna programmi ta’ siegha kuljum li jixxandru mic-centri taghna ta’ Melbourne u Sydney, b’xandara u gurnalisti Maltin impjegati fiz-zewg centri. Il-programmi jinkludu bulettini ta’ ahbarijiet ta’ Malta, l-Awstralja u l-kumplament tad-dinja, intervisti ma’ personalitajiet Maltin minn Malta u l-Awstralja dwar suggetti topici, features u ahbarijiet kurrenti, dak li jkun ghaddej fil-komunita’ Maltija fl-Awstralja, programmi talkback ecc. Il-Maltin qatt ma jixbghu jisimghu dwar dak li jkun qed isehh fil-gzejjer Maltin. Sfortunatament iz-zghazagh, ulied it-tieni u t-tielet generazzjoni m’humiex interessati fi programmi ta’ din ix-xorta. Anki t-taghlim tal-Malti fl-Awstralja wasal biex jispicca ghax m’hemmx interess bizzejjed; ghalhekk anki jekk ikunu jridu jisimghu l-programmi bil-Malti lanqas jifhmu x’ikun jinghad. U ghall-Maltin li ilhom hawn aktar minn erbghin sena, jghidulna li lanqas qeghdin jifhmu l-Malti standard li nitkellmu (specjalment fl-ahbarijiet) tant tbieghdu mir-realta ta’ Malta tal-lum u tal-lingwa Maltija li kompliet tevolvi.

Hemm programmi Maltin ohra fuq hafna stazzjonijiet komunitarji mxerrda fl-istati kollha tal-Awstralja li jsiru minn voluntiera. Dawn aktar huma programmi hfief. Gazzetti ghandna wahda biss, li tohrog darba fil-gimgha, li wkoll tinstab f’diffikulta` minhabba l-ispejjez li tirrekjedi u n-nuqqas ta’ sapport mill-komunita`.

6. Liema hija l-belt li tghix fiha? Iddeskrivi t-tajjeb u l-hazin taghha?

Jien nghix fl-istat ta’ Victoria, u nahdem fil-belt ta’ Melbourne, belt kbira u sabiha, kosmopolitana, b’gonna kbar pubblici u c-centru tan-negozju u l-kummerc, b’opportunitajiet ghal kulhadd li trid tistinka ghalihom. B’kuntrast man-nies ghaddejja mghaggla ghax-xoghol jew biex jilhqu t-trejn, it-tallaba bil-qieghda f’xi kantuniera jew xi zaghzugh li jwaqqfek ghal xi dollaru jew sigarett:

Iz-zaghzugh tallab
fit-toroq ta’ Melbourne
jipprova jwaqqaf
lil kull ikun ghaddej
u n-nies liebsa puliti
jibqghu ghaddejja
qisu m’hu xejn;
u jghaddi ragel jitlob
f’halqu biss sigarett
u x’hin iz-zaghzugh waqqfu
nifs qasam mieghu… tnejn.

(Iz-Zaghzugh Tallab)

Melbourne, hija belt maghrufa ghall-facilitajiet sportivi u kulturali matul is-sena kollha. Fis-sajf tkun mimlija vizitaturi minn madwar id-dinja ghal-loghob tat-tennis u l-krikit u mbaghad ghall-grand prix tal-karozzi. U fix-xitwa t-teatri mdawla b’shows muzikali u b’kuncerti popolari u klassici li jattitraw nies minn kull rokna tad-dinja. Is-sigar kbar tal-gonna u matul it-toroq wiesgha jibdlu l-kuluri u jinzghu u jxiddu l-weraq, fuq l-isfond dejjem griz tal-bini gholi matul kull stagun u ma’ kull tmiem ta’ wiehed hemm il-bidu ta’ hajja gdida bis-sabih taghha. Hija belt ta’ kuntrasti fejn tara eluf ta’ nies u tista’ thossok wahdek, fejn tidra taghraf in-nies bla ma tkun tafhom, fejn ix-xitwa tidhol bla mistennija f’gurnata sajfija u qabel tilhaq tilbes il-kowt ix-xemx terga’ tisreg.

7. Xi tghid dwar ir-relazzjoni bejn il-kittieba Maltin fl-Awstralja u dawk f'Malta? Hemm rabta ta' xi tip?

Personalment, ir-relazzjoni tieghi mal-kittieba Maltin hija tajba hafna. Dejjem sibt ghajnuna, kooperazzjoni u interess kull meta kelli kuntatt ma’ kittieba u poeti Maltin. Permezz tal-programmi tieghi fuq ir-radju kelli l-opportunit¿ li nintervista ghadd ta’ kittieba u poeti matul iz-zmien. Pjuttost huwa min-naha tieghi li minhabba x-xoghol ma nzommx kuntatt bizzejjed. Kull meta bghatt xoghlijiet ghall-pubblikazzjoni f’pagni letterarji, rivisti u antologiji dejjem ixxandru. Donnu hawn grupp zghir ta’ kittieba/poeti fl-Awstralja li jqisu ruhhom ma’ l-istabbiliti f’Malta u li jidhrilhom li ma jinghatawx gharfien bizzejjed f’Malta. Min-naha l-ohra nahseb li jkun interessanti li xi hadd barra l-Awstralja xi darba jhares u jistudja b’mod objettiv lejn din il-kitba bil-Malti fl-Awstralja u l-izvilupp tal-lingwa Maltija f’dan il-kontinent.

8. Fil-qosor, liema huma l-publikazzjonijiet fejn dehru l-kitbiet tieghek?

Ko-awtur tal-ktieb tal-poeziji Bejn Vjagg u Iehor (1979), selezzjoni varja ta’ poezija u proza tieghi tinstab fl-antologiji ppubblikati fl-Awstralja, Irjieh (1986) u Frott iehor (1992) u l-antologiji ta’ l-Ghaqda Letterarja Maltija Xrar (1992), Spirali (1997), Mal-Mewga taz-Zmien (2001) minbarra f’ghadd ta’ rivisti letterarji u Pagna Letterarji tal-gazzetti Maltin.


Poeziji ta’ Joe Axiaq


Mil-lista ta’ telefonijiet
b’magenbhom l-ismijiet
fid-djarju personali
illum aktar ningassa
u l-godda… ftit specjali
ghax aktar ufficcjali
fid-djarju personali
u l-qodma qed jisfaru
mhux cari
bhal dari.

Joe Axiaq

Lil Ommi Fis-Smewwiet

Il-poeżiji mtawla
li kont tafhom bl-amment
għallimtni b’dal-lament;
u kbirt u tlaqt minn darek
żagħżugħ wild l-għanja Għawdxija
biex ngħix il-poeżija
fil-bidu tar-rebbiegħa.
Hemm poeżija storja
li għadni ngħix illum
ta’ tifel jitlaq daru
u mill-bogħod ommu kuljum
tindokra l-passi tiegħu
ta’ tifel ma jikbirx
u tgħallmu l-poeżija
u kelma ma tlissinx,
u qatt iżjed minn issa
li mortli s-smewwiet
ma tgħasses sewwa fuqi
fis-serħ ta’ dan is-skiet
u ttenni l-poeżija
li ddawwal dil-mogħdija
li għad twasslni ħdejk
biex qatt fuq ħaddejk sielma
ma nara d-dmugħ li bkejt.

Joe Axiaq

(Wara li qrajt ir-rumanz ta’ Oliver Friggieri, It-Tfal Jigu bil-Vapuri.
Lil dawk il-Maltin u Ghawdxin li kellhom jitilqu Malta fuq il-vapuri,
ghal hajja ahjar).

Ommha qaltilha
li t-tfal jigu bil-vapuri
u stenniet it-tfajla
l-vapuri jidhlu x-xatt
u dahal vapur u iehor
u ghaliha tfal
ma kellhom qatt;
sakemm habbet zaghzugh
u taha tifel u tifla tnejn
u kienu l-ghaxqa t’ommhom
sakemm kibru u nizzlithom
darba x-xatt
u gie vapur hadhomlha lejn l-Awstralja
u izjed ma rathom qatt.

Joe Axiaq


Fit-toroq ta' Melbourne
jorqod it-tallab fqir
ihares 'il fuq fil-bini jilhaq is-sema
bil-kwiekeb ileqqu
jaqbzu f'muniti ta' zewg dollari
mill-oghla sulari
u ma jarax id-dollari
jaqbzu mill-but imtaqqab
u jduru tond madwaru
ta' min ghaddej fit-triq ghal daru.

Joe Axiaq

Jekk darba

Jekk darba tkun poeta
bla linka u klamar
u biex tikteb poeżija
demmek tuża bħan-nar,
ikteb ftit versi qosra
bħal dawn li llum qed taqra
qabel tħossok tiddgħajjef
u taqa’ stordut
bħal f’sakra
u tpoġġix il-karta xuga
minn fejn id-demm jisponta
flok it-tajjara bajda
li d-demm ftit ftit tiskonta.

Joe Axiaq