Saturday, June 11, 2011

Kitba ohra tieghi fuq Il-Gens online

Din id-darba l-kitba tiegħi jisimha "Tbissima serħan". Araw din il-link:

Kitba oħra tiegħi f'rabta mal-letteratura ssibuha f'dan il-link:

Hija dwar il-poeta u fundatur tal-Għaqda Poeti Maltin, ir-Rev. Mons. Amante Buontempo, li f'dan ix-xahar jagħlaq 7 snin mejjet.

Sunday, June 05, 2011


Poet Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy from Hyderabad, India wrote the following:

Dear Environment Protectors and Well-wishers

I am pleased to celebrate the occasion of WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY (on 5th June) with an exclusive poem to commemorate the event, held under the stewardship of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

I am sure, you will go through the ATTACH POEM and transmit the same to like-minded people and sites that partake in the WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY.

Assuring of ever-ready cooperation for the welfare of people and the world.

Poetically yours

Dr. T. Ashok Chakravarthy, D.Lit.,

Universal Peace Ambassador

International Poet-Review Writer

# 16-2-836/L, Plot-39

Madhavnagar, Saidabad

HYDERABAD – 500 059 (AP) INDIA /

Kitba oħra fuq Il-Ġens online

Kitba oħra minn tiegħi fuq Il-Ġens online, taqsima IL-ĦAJJA MADWARNA, bl-isem ta' XTUT OPPOSTI. Araw dan il-link: