Quello che mi rimane di te... (What's left of you...) ia another elegy dedicated to my mother. One discovers the real importance of a mother's presence when she is no more... This poem was inspired by the introductory lines which are takem from the poem of a well-known Italian poet, Ada Negri, who has also written an elegy for her mother.
“De’ tuoi bianchi capelli, si leggeri
Alla carezza e pur sì folti, in uno scrigno
Una ciocca serbo...”
(La ciocca bianca, Ada Negri)
Quello che mi rimane di te
e` il calore materno
che mi hai forgiato
in quel momento estremo
quando ti baciavo la fronte
quando ti tenevo la mano, forte
mentre il tuo respiro si ritirava
poco a poco
come si ritirano i fiori
anche i piu` semplici
dai campi freschi di primavera.
Quello che mi rimane di te
e` l’estrema scoperta...
le tue dita lunghe
della tua mano cara
erano quelle di un’artista
che suonava il pianoforte
non quelle sciupate dal duro lavoro
che donavi con amore.
Quello che mi rimane di te
e` qualcosa che gioca a nascondiglio
dentro di me
ma che non posso esprimere
con penna e inchiostro
né con queste misere parole
che cadono pesanti e si seccano come foglie...
e` qualcosa d’impercettibile ma presente
che bussa spesso alla mia porta
e io, lieto, le apro ogni volta
anche se vedere non posso né toccare
ma solo godere della sua amabile presenza.
Quello che mi rimane di te
non e` una ciocca né nera né bianca
ma un cestello di beati ricordi e fotografie
e questa penna e questo inchiostro
che m’aiutano a ricordarti
a ridarti vita e respiro
anche se per pochi effimeri istanti
dopo lunghi lunghi mesi di esilio.
Quello che mi rimane di te
e` un pugno di lettere minuscole
con un significato maiuscolo
...A M O R E.
Din hija blog li tikkonċentra fuq il-letteratura kemm Maltija kif ukoll barranija. Huma inklużi wkoll aċċenni għal ħwejjeġ interessanti marbutin mal-kultura. Ara wkoll il-blog tiegħi www.pagnawarapagna.blogspot.com għal reċensjonijiet u studji dwar kotba differenti.
Friday, February 08, 2008
In the last months of 2007 I have published two new textbooks. The first is Temi fil-Poezija Maltija u lilhinn (De la Salle Brothers Publications): it is intended to help students studying Maltese poetry at Intermediate and Advanced levels. The book is divided in four sections which discuss four important themes in Maltese poetry: National Identity; the Spiritual Experience; Life Experiences; and the Natural Environment. The four themes are then divided in other sub-themes thus discussing aspects such as Toponomy, Historical Events, Christ, the contribution of religious poets, the sea and the vallies in poetry, the micro and the macrocosm. Temi f'Il-Poezija Maltija u lilhinn takes the form of 18 essays which discuss the abovementioned aspects and some others, always in relation to Maltese poetry of the 2oth century.
ORA! is another textbook which offers the student preparing for his Intermediate and Advanced Italian exam a number of comprehensions, summaries, grammar exercises, essay titles, information regarding different aspects of the Italian culture such as cinema, literature, newspapers and journals, music and politics. It also includes cloze texts and exercises which help to better one's idiomatic skills in Italian. The book is divided in three sections: The Religious Experience; the Arts; and Social Problems. In this way students are helped to recognise different registers and increase their vocabulary. The different articles taken from presentday Italian newspapers and journals can also serve as a starting point for discussing different issues.
ORA! is another textbook which offers the student preparing for his Intermediate and Advanced Italian exam a number of comprehensions, summaries, grammar exercises, essay titles, information regarding different aspects of the Italian culture such as cinema, literature, newspapers and journals, music and politics. It also includes cloze texts and exercises which help to better one's idiomatic skills in Italian. The book is divided in three sections: The Religious Experience; the Arts; and Social Problems. In this way students are helped to recognise different registers and increase their vocabulary. The different articles taken from presentday Italian newspapers and journals can also serve as a starting point for discussing different issues.
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