Proprio oggi ho ricevuto da COMO questo invito:
Gentili Amici Poeti Maltesi,
ho avuto modo di leggere qualche tempo fa alcune delle vostre poesie, sull'Antologia 'I silenzi della montagna e le voci del mare' - Antologija Poetika Malta-Italia (a cui anch'io ho partecipato, con la mia poesia "A nuova vita" - pag 17)
Conoscendo il vostro amore per la poesia e per la mia terra,
vorrei invitarvi a visitare la mia città (COMO) ed il suo lago (LARIO) in immagini e poesie:
Se qualcuno di voi amici poeti ama il lago e vuole dedicare al Lario i suoi versi (anche scritti in lingua inglese), me li può inviare:
saranno subito, e con molto piacere, pubblicati in web.
Un cordiale saluto.
Luciana Bianchi Cavalleri
Il mondo della poesia apre degli orizzonti e delle frontiere illimitati. Grazie mille a Luciana Bianchi Cavalleri!
Din hija blog li tikkonċentra fuq il-letteratura kemm Maltija kif ukoll barranija. Huma inklużi wkoll aċċenni għal ħwejjeġ interessanti marbutin mal-kultura. Ara wkoll il-blog tiegħi għal reċensjonijiet u studji dwar kotba differenti.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
A new poem
I wrote this poem last week after watching on DVD the film "Shooting Dogs". Maltese-Australian novelist Lou Drofenik described it as graphic and sad; graphic in the sense that the descriptions in the poem are very vivid, a bit "In your face". "And war being war, that's what they ought to be, not some prissy metaphor covering the truth. Yes the truth of war is graphic and horrible."
Corpses drop from the sky like black ash
and fill the orphaned roads with death.
Roots feed on human blood
dogs feast on human flesh
brothers cut brothers with machetes
no need for guns
butchers butcher human meat
drums beat beat beat…
They cheer and sing and wave their
arms armed with death once more
They wait in fear for their hour to come
some pray, others in despair…
Famine, Aids and sickness
are not enough
to kill your children.
Civil war and genocide are there to
guarantee humiliation for all…
Tears not ink, blood not love,
hate not life, arms not bread,
dirt not grass, beast not man,
death not hope…
Thank God we’re miles apart
Thank God we’re not like them (is that so?)
Thank God we’re so pissed up with routine…
Corpses drop from the sky like black ash
and fill the orphaned roads with death.
Roots feed on human blood
dogs feast on human flesh
brothers cut brothers with machetes
no need for guns
butchers butcher human meat
drums beat beat beat…
They cheer and sing and wave their
arms armed with death once more
They wait in fear for their hour to come
some pray, others in despair…
Famine, Aids and sickness
are not enough
to kill your children.
Civil war and genocide are there to
guarantee humiliation for all…
Tears not ink, blood not love,
hate not life, arms not bread,
dirt not grass, beast not man,
death not hope…
Thank God we’re miles apart
Thank God we’re not like them (is that so?)
Thank God we’re so pissed up with routine…
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