Saturday, December 04, 2010

Tifkira tal-poeta u kittieb Pawlu Aquilina

Ghal kull min jiftakar lill-kittieb u poeta mis-Siggiewi PAWLU AQUILINA, jista' jara dan il-link li baghtilna ibnu Mario:

Hawnhekk Pawlu Aquilina jidher waqt intervista televiziva waqt "Kullhadd fil-Pjazza", imxandar nhar il-Hadd, 4 ta' Frar, 2007.

A poem by Teresinka Pereira


Letters in crimson
distilled lyric
in laughter and tears
taste of fresh fruit
and fragrance of wet leaves
flying with the wind.
Over the counter poems
are the essence
of a lost language
in the ink of silence.
They don't beat,
but they sting and hurt
while the poet's eye
at the corner
like a knife of stone
waits for a buyer.