Friday, March 19, 2021

AMMA'S GOSPEL by Indian Poet Rajender Krishan is out in its Maltese version translated by Patrick J Sammut

Għadu kemm ħareġ IL-VANĠELU TA' AMMA, poeżiji tal-poeta Indjan Rajender Krishan, maqlubin mill-Ingliż għall-Malti minn Patrick J. Sammut. Il-ktieb jinkludi 45 poeżija li jittrattaw fost l-oħrajn il-figura materna ta' Amma li toffri lill-poeta mogħdija fejn jista' jimxi f'armonija miegħu nnifsu, ma' dawk ta' madwaru u mal-ħolqien inġenerali.

Huma kollha poeżiji sempliċi, imma profondi u jħallu lill-qarrej jirrifletti. Din ta' Rajender hi poeżija li tilħaq il-qiegħ ta' ruħ u qalb il-qarrej...

IL-VANĠELU TA' AMMA (a translation of Amma's Gospel) has just been published. It is a collection of 45 poems by Indian poet Rajender Krishan, translated to Maltese by Patrick J. Sammut.

The maternal figure of Amma shows the poet a path where he can walk in harmony with hmself, with those around him, and with Creation in general.

These are simple but profound poems that help the reader reflect. Krishan's poetry reaches deep  in the soul and the heart of the reader...

People interested in buying a copy can reach me on

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