Tuesday, October 07, 2014

A poem of hope by Teresinka Pereira

Difficult times for humankind. However, Teresinka Pereira sends us a positive message through poetry during October, the Month dedicated to Poetry.


In the darkness of destiny
I am looking for a quest.

In my verses, trip into a puzzle,
I try to be humble, and give
the perfect love
raising my hands
to reach everyone...

Here I come, with all poets,
looking for a time to make peace:
our verses will erase the borders
and will enter the countries,
like the sea when if passes through
obstacles to reach the sand...

We come with hopes and raise
our voices beyond the bells
in the celebration day:
we want to answer with words of hope
for universal brotherhood
and we will wish peace
for the whole world.

Teresinka Pereira

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