I must admit that this blog thing has become part of my life. Thanks to internet, e-mail and this blog I managed to create an international network made up mostly of poets and poetry lovers, but not only. Recently I am also uploading some nice photos of the Maltese Islands for my overseas friends to see.
It is Easter 2009 and some of my friends sent me greetings messages and two of my poets friends from Greece send me Easter cards which I am publishing on my blog. Thanks Zacharoula Gaitanaki and thanks Zanneta Kalyva-Papaioannou!! I want to reciprocate by wishing ALL of my friends from different countries, including Malta, a HAPPY EASTER. I don't want to forget though those less fortunate who aren't living a life so comfortable, including our Italian neighbours from Abruzzo (L'Aquila) who have suffered a strong earthquake.